Porsche 997 heater not hot ; How to fix it ?

Porsche 997 heater not hot

Porsche 997 Heater not hot

Imagine that winter has arrived. You are sitting in your Porsche 977 on a cold winter morning, unaware of the car’s condition, and as soon as you turn on the car’s Heating System, you do not receive any wind or even a cold wind is thrown at you. An awful feeling that can make your day start badly.

If this has happened to you. We will examine all the possible reasons for this and get acquainted with the possible solutions.

1. Failure of HV Heater

A common problem that can be the main cause of the heater not working in Fast Porsche Cars is failure of the heater voltage parts. Most of the cars that deal with this part being burnt or damaged have the experience that cold and dry wind enters the cabin as soon as the heater is turned on.

In some cases, it is necessary to completely replace this part, and in other cases, it may be necessary to replace only the batteries of the heater voltage, in which case less cost is required for the repair.

For replacement and troubleshooting, refer to Porsche after-sales service and support centers. If you are lucky, you can receive your car within a day, although if you need to order this part, you will definitely have to wait longer.

997 heater not hot HV heater

What is High Voltage Heater ?

Heater voltage is an electrical component that is used in cars with electric batteries and high voltage heating systems.
The main function of this part becomes important when the air temperature drops a lot.
This part helps the engine by generating enough heat when the cold air causes disruption of the car’s performance through high voltage to generate heat as quickly as possible.

2. Clogged Pipes

Clogging of pipes caused by air bubbles is one of the problems of all heating systems. It does not matter what type of heating system you are considering. The presence of air in heating systems affects the outflow and free and easy circulation of liquids in the heating system and causes disturbances in the necessary heating.

In order to make sure that there is no air, you must remove the trapped air through the device by a technician. Also, by opening the discharge valve and allowing the trapped air to exit, and at the same time adding coolant through the inlet valve, it makes the flow free of trapped air.

3. Heater Element

Any clogging and failure of the heater element will cause the car heating device to fail. Even if the heater element fails, a part of the system can be used, but the amount of hot air flow from the outlet cannot be felt. To check the failure of the heater parts, you must have an expert or a Porsche dealership.

997 heater not hot

4. Replacing the Thermostat

You must be familiar with the operation of the thermostat. A thermostat is a piece or device that is used in various devices to control the temperature. In heating or cooling devices, temperature control is very important to adjust the device’s performance. This task is the responsibility of the thermostat because it allows the device to turn on or off in case of temperature change

Failure of the thermostat in the car causes the heating and cooling to be disturbed. In this case, it is necessary to replace the defective thermostat. But before that, you should make sure that the problem is with the thermostat. To test the thermostat, refer to the car manual and perform the thermostat test instructions once to make sure that the problem is with the thermostat.

5. Lack of Coolant

You should always check the coolant tank. An insufficient amount of coolant will cause the cooling system to fail or not be able to generate enough hot air to send to the car cabin.
Refer to the coolant compartment. Open the hatch and check the coolant level, if there is a lack of it, add the Porsche 977 coolant. Check carefully to make sure there are no leaks in the pipes and the chamber.

997 heater not hot

6. Clogged Path and Air Valve

If there is no exhaust air coming out of the air vents, it may be due to the closing of the vents or their failure. Open the air vent door and check the path with the help of a flashlight.
Clean the dirty paths with the help of a blower and washing tools. Dirt, clogging and sediments in the heating system paths can be an important factor for its failure. You can do it with an expert for correct and complete washing.


Conclusion :

Most of the problems of failure of Porsche heating systems are related to the failure and burning of the parts of these systems.
We must say that you are not the only person who can face this problem. But with a preliminary investigation, you can easily understand this issue. However, we recommend to solve this problem as soon as possible if you do not have enough technical information and repair equipment to go to an expert or Porsche dealers.

We should hope that at least in the New Generation of Porsche Cars , we will experience such an incident less often.

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